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Lo, the Christmas star shines brightly,
Guiding kings through wind-swept sands.
Pressing by purpose, they seek Jesus
In the dark and hostile lands.
Spurred by faith and trust they follow
One bright ray from Heaven above,
Searching for a Child to teach them
Covenants of peace and love.
At their journey's end they find Him
Lying in the manger's straw,
Held by Mary, watched by Joseph,
As the shepherds kneel in awe.
Ah, what love pervades that stable
As the kings behold the Child!
King of Kings, Prince of Peace,
He lies there sleeping undefiled.
May we all, just like the Magi,
Find the Christ Child in our hearts
As we celebrate this season,
Remembering where Christmas starts.

Polly Thornton


The Christmas Story

Christmas comes to hearts again,
Its message old and true:
The Savior born in Bethlehem,
The story's told anew.
The Wise Men trod a pathway
Beneath a guiding star
That led them to the Christ Child
In a manger way afar.
And now, down through the ages,
Wise Men are guided still
To keep the birth of Jesus
In reverence and goodwill.
For Christmas comes to hearts again,
There's joy upon the earth,
As bells ring out and carolers sing
To honor Jesus' birth.

Virginia Borman Grimmer

...We saw His star at its rising and have come to do Him homage.
Matthew 2:2
