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Christmas Praise

Give praise unto the Father
This holy Christmas night
For sending to a dark world
His glorious truth and light...

The light was Christ, our Savior,
Who left His kingly throne,
And came to earth to save us,
And claim us for His own.

An infant in a manger -
Oh, who could think that He
Would be the world's salvation,
Fulfilling prophecy.

Come, worship and adore Him,
Our songs of praises bring.
We'll make our hearts an offering
To Christ, our Savior King.

Beverly J. Anderson


First Christmas

Sweet Baby Jesus, wondrous Child,
While angels watched, You slept in the hay
And Mother Mary sang a lullaby
On that first Christmas Day.

Then, while our Baby Savior
Lay upon His lowly bed,
The angels sang His message, 
"Peace on earth," they said.

Virginia Luers
