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The Christmas Spirit

The Christmas spirit's coming,
I feel it more each day.
It's everywhere around us -
In all we do and say.

The spirit's Christmas shopping,
And glistening Winter snow.
It's the Christmas tree we're trimming,
And the sprig of mistletoe.

It's the laughter of the children
As they wait for Christmas Day.
It's Rudolph and the reindeer
And Santa and his sleigh.




The spirit's Christmas presents,
And stockings that we fill.
It's cards we send to others
Full of cheer and much goodwill.

It's the smell of fresh-baked cookies
And the meal on Christmas Day.
It's the parties that we go to,
And a happy child at play.

But don't forget the spirit
Of the Baby born for you.
For there wouldn't be a Christmas
If God had forgotten too!

Linda Lietz Corcoran