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If you are coming to N.Y. let me know in time so I can come down earlier. I'm writing to Miss Neely now, too.
Take good care of yourself while I'm not home to watch you. No excessive running around and rushing, young lady. You're to take it easy now. If you don't behave like a good little girl, I'll have to come home to see that you do. (smile)
I'll be writing tomorrow when I'll have

My vacation was just as wonderful as ever, thanks to my wonderful Mother and Daddy.
You were so cute on the station steps trying to understand my sign language. I was trying to tell you that I wanted you to send my clothes which I left on the chair in my room (shoes, dress, & blouse.) Also my long sleeved blouse which you washed.
If you can get a chance, don't forget that book (The Saint). it's in the popular library.