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| June 26th 1866 # 153. * | North Carolina J C Robinson Asst Comr See "K" 193 Vol 6 and filed with the issue | Raleigh NC June 23d Returned letter of Maj Ketchum A.A.A.G. asking information concerning certain freed people. States that after inquiring in the several districts no information can be obtained | Filed | 

| June 26th 1866 #154. * | North Carolina J C Robinson Asst Comr | Raleigh NC June 23 Forwards evidence regarding the death of Bryant Langston (cold) who was shot at Goldsboro NC June 4' 1866 | Filed |

| June 24 1866 # 155 | North Carolina J C Robinson Asst Comr | Raleigh NC June 22 Forwards letter of Lt G W Tipson requesting transportation for Citty Ann Field from Lumberton to Petersburg Va. | June 26 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr State of Va to know if the friends of this woman in Petersburg will support her APK A.A.A.G. July 10' Recd back endorsed by Capt D J Connally that after diligent search he can learn nothing of the whereabouts of this womans relations. July 12 Respectfully returned to Lt Tipton (through AC. NC) whose attention is invited to endorsement of Capt Connally APK A.A.A.G | 

| June 28' 1866 # 156 | North Carolina. T H Ruger AC. |  Raleigh NC June 20 Forwards Report of Changes in Officers since last report. | Filed. | 

| June 28' 1866 # 157. * | North Carolina J C Robinson A.C. See "H" 147 Vol 7 | Raleigh NC June 26 Requests statement of supplies required for destitute persons in NC, and asks how soon any help can be obtained, as they are greatly in need. | Filed |  

| June 28' 1866 # 158. * | North Carolina J C Robinson | Raleigh NC June 25 66 Transmits Monthly report of "Refugees and Freedmen" of "Lands" and "Special Report" of operating for the month of May 1866. | Filed. Land Report with Maj Fowler A.A.G. | 

Transcription Notes:
3/6 - all transcribed now; however, this page was marked complete with only two rows transcribed, do not mark for review if page not completely transcribed, please read instructions This is formatted incorrectly, reformatted first row to show correct format, please read instructions and correct remainder of page - if it doesn't make sense after you transcribe its probably not correct