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[[4 Columned Table]]
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| June 28' 1866 #123. * | Poland Hon L P. USS. | Washington DC  June 27  Encloses resignation of Bvt Maj Gen Geo J Stannard, and that the papers be returned to him when completed. | Filed. |

| July 6th 1866 #124. * | President US.  R Morrow AA.G  Continuation from No 122.  See L 122 Vol 7 | Washington  June 28  Refers case of Mrs L E Potts, calling attention to barbarous treatment of the freedmen by their former masters in that vicinity | Recd back July 5t directing Gen Sheridan to furnish upon application of the agents of the Bureau such assistance as the means of this command will permit, either for the protection of refugees, freedmen and union men or to enforce punishment for crimes. July 6th Respectfully referred to Maj Gen J B Kiddoo whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Lt Gen Grant upon the within envelope & endorsement from this office upon enclosed paper Gen Kiddoo will take immediate action in this matter. APK A.A.A.G |

| July 7t 1866 #125. | Plants Hon F A  MC. | Washington DC  July 6t  Encloses letter from Wm Cross of Racine Ohio who writes in behalf of George Maize (cold) who desires that his wife Viney Maize and six children be sent him from Lisbon Va. Mr Cross agrees to bear all expenses. | July 7' Respectfully referred to Gen Derry for report. Are the women and children within mentioned residing at Lisbon, and do they wish to go to Racine? Are they working under contract and if so how long time has the contract to run? APK. A.A.A.G  Aug 18th Recd back inviting attention to endorsement of Lt Shaum, stating that no trace of these persons can be found. Aug 20' Respectfully retd to Mr Cross, and attention invited to endorsementof Capt Shaum hereon. S.D.  A.A.A.G |

| July 9t 1866 #126 | President US.  R Morrow A.A.G | Washington DC July 6' 66.  Refers case of J B Suttrell Lebanon Ala, who desires assistance; has served in the federal army, and while away from home, had everything taken from his family. | July 12 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr of Ala. A.P.K A.A.A.G |

| July 8th 1866 #127. | Penna FRA Raymond J Buir. | Philadelphia Pa June 30' 66  Requests that transportation to Selma Ala be furnished to Primus [[Winneoner?]] (cold). | July 10th 1866 Respectfully returned. It is not the practice of this Bureau to give transportation to the South, to persons residing in the North. Applications of this kind are numerous and necessitate a careful adherence to this rule.  APK A.A.A.G |

| July 14 1866. #128. * | Pro. Mar Genls Office Jas B Fry. | Washington DC. July 8' 1866  Recommends Cap't J W DeForrest VRC for assignment in Freedmen's Bureau. | Filed Application made July 14' to Secy of War. 

Transcription Notes:
A.A.A.G. = Acting Assistant Adjutant General President US. not Uf.