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[[4 Columned Table]]
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| June 4 1866 #280. * | South Carolina  R K Scott Asst Com'r | Charleston SC  June 1 66.  Requests that Capt Geo T Bassett CSV be retained in service. | Filed. To be mustered out May 31. |  

| June 2d 1866 #281. * | Sumner Charles, Hon  See "L" 108 Vol 6 | Washington DC June 2d 66. Refers letter from W Longworth Sub, Asst Comr, Seguin Co Texas, enclosing a letter from Judge W C Wiseman threatening him with prosecution unless he would revoke certain orders in relation to minor orphan freedmen &c. | June 4 Copy respectfully referred to the Asst Comr Texas for his action. The Commissioner directs that W Longworth be allowed a fair opportunity to defend his course and that he be protected from all ilegal prosecution by the Civil authorities APK A.A.A.G. Filed | 

| June 5 1866 #282. | Schueck J A Clerk | Camden SC  May 31  Requests that a supply of provisions be sent to that District for distribution among the destitute. | June 5 Respectfully referred to Genl Scott who will please take such measures as may be necessary to relieve the destitution complained of. APK A.A.A.G | 

| June 5 1866 #283. * | South Carolina James P Low. | Charleston SC May 22 66 Transmits copies of correspondence with Genl Rushing Inspector QM Dept relative to transportation. | Filed. See "Q" 90 Vol 5 |

| May 4 1866 #284. * | South Carolina  R K Scott Asst Comr  See "A" 250 Vol 4. Filed with A 250 Vol. 4 | Charleston SC May 4 1866. Reports the names of Staff officers of Vols who can be spared and those who cannot. | Filed |

| June 6th 1866 #285. * | Stannard Ged. J  Bvt Maj Genl & Sup't | Baltimore Md  June 4 66  Report of operations for month of May. | Filed |

| June 6th 1866 #286 | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 2 66. Recommends Capt James P Low AQM for promotion to rank of Maj & L't Col by Brevet. | June 7' Respectfully forwarded recommended. Personally cognizant of the valuable services rendered by Capt Low and his high character for integrity and devotion to the interests of the Government I deem it no more than justice to recognize his merits and long and faithful service by conferring the brevet within recommended. OOH. |

Transcription Notes:
not completed, only 1st row to show format is complete now