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[[4 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | How Disposed of. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| June 21 1866 #320 | South Carolina R K Scott, Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 16 Forwards affidavit of Samuel Green that he was fired at by White men whose names are unknown, while working | Filed |

| June 21 1866 # 321 | Scott John B. | Buffalo NY June 18 Desires position as teacher of freedmen | June 23 Filed See PLB Vol 2. |

| June 23d 1866 #323 | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Com | Charleston SC June 1866  Forwards "approved" comm of Reuben Tomlinson Supt Schools stating that when the "tax sales" took place at Beaufort SC a number of farms were reserved and called school farms, it was intended by leasing them to raise a fund and to procure residences for teachers, &c. suggests if the farms could be sold to donate the money to building school houses &c. | July 3 Respectfully returned to Gen Scott  The objects desired by Mr Tomlinson will be substantially  obtained by the present "Bureau Bill" if passed. APK A.A.A.G |

| June 23 1866 #324 | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 19 66 Forwards approved application for Surg Issiah F Day 29t Main Vols for position | June 25 Respectfully referred to Surg Homer CMO APK |

| June 23 1866 #325 | South Carolina R K Scott Asst Comr | Charleston SC June 18 66 Forwards request of Genl Geo W Gile AAC that an officer be ordered to him to replace one who will soon be mustered. States that six (6) officers could be well placed in the northern part of the state | July 2d Respectfully returned, The Secy of War refuses to detail any more officers of the VRC at present APK A.A.A.G |