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| June 5, 1866 #151 | Texas J B Kiddoo Asst Comr | Galveston Texas May 22 '66 Forwards approved, "Estimate of Funds" required by Maj L S Barnes Sub Asst Com'r, for month of May 1866, $18.00. | June 5 Respectfully referred to Col G. W. Balloch CDO APK A.A.A.G. June 6' Respectfully returned approved APK A.A.A.G. | 

| June 3, 1866 #152 * | Texas J B Kiddoo Asst Comr | Galveston Texas May 28, 66 Requests that twenty more officers be ordered to report to him to establish new posts and relieve citizen agents. Suggests the name of Capt Riddle VRC, for detail. | Filed |

| May 30 1866 #153 * | Taylor Wm F | Easton Md May 28" 66 Asks assistance for the colored people, as they are being shot down like brutes. | May 31 Respectfully referred to Gen C H Howard Sub Comr, J. A. Sladen. June 1 Recd back with report, of Gen Stannard enclosed. Filed.  |

| June 8, 1866 #154 | Treasury Department. E B French 2'Auditor | Washington DC June 1866 Forwards certificate signed by Lt. Wentworth for information as to the validity of the signature. | June 9" Respectfully referred to Lt W R Wentworth (through Asst Commr Va) for verification APK A.A.A.G Recd back June 25' with letter of Lt Wentworth certifying to its validity. June 26 Respectfully returned to 2d Auditor Treasury Dept whose attention is invited to the statement of Lt Wentworth APK A.A.A.G |

| June 12, 1866 #155 * | Texas J B Kiddoo Asst Comr | Galveston Texas June 4 1866 Acknowledges receipt of copy of communication of May 4 and states that he will forward the report  immediately | Filed. |

| June 13th, 1866 #156 * |  Treasury Department J. F. Hartley Asst Sec Referred from Secy of War | Washington DC June 9 '66 | Refers letter from US Minister at London transmitting an Invoice of goods, donated by the "Freedmens Aid Association" at Birmingham England for use of the freedmen of the U.S. Consigned C. C. Leigh New York, Value [[English Pound Symbol]] 312.18.3, Requires usual War Dept certificate before free entry can be granted. | June 13' Respectfully returned to the Actg Asst Secy of War. A record of these papers has been taken at this office. It is respectfully requested that the usual action may be taken by the War Dep't to secure the free entry of the within mentioned goods. O.O.H. June 25 Recd back stating that instructions have been issued granting the free entry of these goods. Filed. |