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| Aug 22d 1866 #193. | Tyree AC | Eutaw Ala Aug 9' 66 Gives statement of his record during the War. Writes as a loyal citizen for information whether employers can break faith with the freedmen because of limited crops. | Aug 23d Respectfully referred to AC of Ala ST A.A.A.G |

| Aug 23 1866 #194. | Tompkins DC MD | Edgefield SC July 26 Writes in regard to his acc'ts which were for'd some 60 days since, and states that he has not received any answer yet and cannot continue his services unless he is paid. | Aug 24 Respectfully referred to Surg Hornor CMO Oct 2 Recd back stating that any services performed by Dr Tompkins was unauthorized by the Bureau, and that he see no just reason that his claim should be paid. Oct 4 Respectfully ret'd to Dr DC Tompkins and attention invited to endorsement of CMO. A.P.K. |

| Aug 25' 1866 #195. * | Texas J B Kiddoo AC | Galveston Aug 16' Forwards report of Lt SC Plummer relative to condition of freedmen and feeling of whites, where no Agent of the Bureau has been stationed. | Filed |

| Aug 25' 1866 #196 | Texas J B Kiddoo AC | Galveston Tex Aug 18' 66 Recommends for appointment Cap'ts Edward Miller, N H Randlett 16' VRC and S A Craig 17' VRC also 1st Lt's Cahs F Rand 2d VRC, Isaac M Beebe 23d VRC and James Kutchison 1st VRC, and 2d Lts A A Mitzner 10th VRC J E Goodman 2d VRC and A T Manning 2d VRC, in the new Regiments of VRC with the rank they now hold. | Aug 28' Respectfully forwarded to Hon Secy of War and recommended. O.O.H |

| Aug 25th 1866 #197. | Texas J B Kiddo AC | Galveston Tex Aug 22 "I must have a Surgeon; either send Dr Mentzer or another in his place" | Aug 27 Respectfully referred to Surg Horno CMO ST A.A.A.G Recd back Aug 31 stating that Surg Mentzer is believed to be on his way to Texas. Aug 31 Respectfully returned, and attention invited to endorsement of Surg Hornor CMO hereon. S.T. A.A.A.G |