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| June 11th 1866 #352 | Virginia AH Terry Asst Comr | Richmond Va June 9' 66 Requests that the muster of Capt TFP Crandon & Capt R.S Lacy AQM be revoked. | June 17 Respectfully forwarded with the recommendation that Genl Terry's request be complied with if it can be done without detriment to the service O.O.H. | 

| June 11th 1866 #353 | Visle Egbert L | New York June 8" 66 Requests information concerning John Gambia (cold), last heard of with the 3d Cold SC Regiment at Jacksonville Fla | June 12 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr Fla, for such information as he can obtain in this case. SF A.A.A.G. July 2 Recd back with the information that, this man is employed as clerk in the Freedmens Bank at Jacksonville Fla. July 3d Respectfully returned to  EL Visle whose attention is invited to endorsement of Mr Demmet hereon APK A.A.A.G. | 

| June 11' 1866 #354 | Van Cleive Basil and Robert Ray | Washington DC June 22 66. Requests assistance in behalf of their mother Judah Van Clive Lebanon Ky States that she was set free by her master who left $2500 to support her and five grandchildren; that Mr. Jno R. Thomas Admir has ordered her to leave without making any provision for her or her grandchildren. | Respectfully referred to Asst Com'r Ky for report APK. A.A.A.G. Recd back June 29 enclosing report of James M Dalio, Sup't, who encloses an extract from the "Will" touching the exact position of Judah Van Clive prior to the adoption of Cons't Amendment. in no other part of the "Will" is her name spoken of also encloses that portion of the "will" which relates to the children of Matilda (her grandchildren) The estate has not yet been settled. Encloses statement of Judah Van Clive July 6th 1866 Respectfully returned to Basil Van Cline and Robt Ray 107 U.S.C.T. inviting attention to within report of Nov JM Fiddler A.P.K. |

| June 12' 1866 #355 | Virginia AK Terres Asst Com'r | Richmond Va June 11 '66 Forwards approved requisition of Capt Thomas G. Wythal AQM for one set ambulance houses one two horse wagon, and double harness for same, two team horses, and six riding saddles and bridles. | June 12 Respectfully returned to Gen Percy approved. APK A.A.A.G. | 

| June 12th 1866 #356 | Virginia AH Terry Asst Comr See "V 417 Vol 7. [[checkmark]] | Richmond Va June 11 1866. Forwards comn of SC Davidson Pres't Rockbridge Agricultural Society stating that the society wish to hold a fair this fall on their grounds, and desires the removal of the buildings belonging to the Freedmen's Bureau. "The sale of these buildings is approved." | Aug 1st Ret'd with instructs to sell under Sec 121 of Act to Continue Bureau. See "V" 447 for end. |