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| July 20 1866 #400 | Virginia A H Terry A.C. | Richmond July 19" 66 Forwards statement of Maj W R Morse that Ann Wright wishes to hear from her husband Wm Wright, who was in Alexandria Va when last heard from. Desires that he return and make provisions for his family. | July 21 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr D.C. APK A.A.A.G. Aug 1st Recd back stating that a thorough search and diligent inquiries has been made but no information can be obtained Aug 3d Respectfully returned with attention invited to endorsement of Lt. Whittier hereon APK A.A.A.G. |

| July 20 1866 #401 | Virginia A H Terry A.C. | Richmond July 19' Forwards claim of Henry Mourning a freedman for wages due for services rendered the Gov't as a wagoner. This man is in great need of his pay as he is unable to work at present for his living. | July 21 Referred to Maj Fowler A.A.A.G. |

| July 20 1866 #402 * | Virginia A H Terry A.C. See "V" 391 Vol 7 √ | Richmond July 19 Encloses additional reports in case of Ashworth brothers charged with murder of Willis Craighead (col'd) also in case of R W Eastham charged with murder of Minor Menilee. | Filed. |

| July 21 1866 #403 | Virginia A H Terry A.C. | Richmond July 20 '66 Forwards statement of Lt B C Cook that the husband of Ellen Smith is living with another woman in Rockingham N.C. Requests that this man may be arrested and forwarded to his Head Quarters. | July 23 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr. of NC for report APK A.A.A.G. Aug 7th Recd back inviting attention to endorsement of Lt Geo McComber stating that Geo Smith came to Rockingham from Richmond last May, that he went to work but has since squandered his money on two women that he has been keeping &c. Aug 8th Respectfully ret'd to AC of Va whose attention is invited to the endorsement of Lt McComber hereon. If this woman was at the same place with her husband the agent of the Bureau would be directed to see that he supported her. S.T. A.A.A.G. |

| July 21 1866 #404 | Virginia A H Terry A.C. | Richmond Va July 20 | States that agreeable to instructions contained in endorsement of May 23d in reply to his communication of May 17 66 suggesting that osnaburg clothing belonging to the Bureau be sold. Has endeavored to sell it but prices offered was so low deferred the further sale. Suggest to distribution to other States. | July 26 Respectfully returned the Asst Comr is authorized to distribute the balance of this clothing to destitute freedmen in Va as far as it may be needed and report the surplus if any to these Head Quarters. APK A.A.A.G. |

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Transcription Notes:
3-8-2022: osnaburg - a kind of coarse, heavy linen or cotton used for such items as furnishings and sacks; Transcribed per guidelines and marking for review