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[[4 Columned Table]]
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| July 25" 1866 #410 * | Virginia  AH Terry AC | Richmond Va July 24 1866 Transmits vouchers for retained bounty due Peter Rickman | July 25 Referred to Col Balloch CDO. Letter of transmittal rec'd back, Aug 1st/74, WGP. | 

| July 26 1866 #411 | Virginia AH Terry AC | Richmond July 25/66 Forwards Monthly Report of Refugees & Freedmen for the month of June 1866. | Filed | 

| July 27 1866 #412 | Virginia AH Terry AC | Richmond Va July 26 Forwards letter stating that Henry Davison sent his discharge to Washington for collection of bounty which was left with Judge Day, and has heard nothing from it since and requests some information answering his papers. | July 28th Referred to Maj Fowler. | 

| July 28" 1866 #413 | Virginia AH Terry AC | Richmond Va July 27, 66 Forwards statement of Catharine Robinson that her husband deserted her leaving her with two children to support Requests that he (Allen Robinson) be made to support the children. | July 28 Respectfully referred to AC of NC for report. APK, A.A.A.G. Aug 22d Recd back endorsed by Lt JM Pert stating that Allen left this woman on account of her bad character, and that he is only willing to support the child. Aug 23 Respectfully returned to AC of Va and attention invited to enclosed report of Lt Pert GT A.A.A.G. | 

| July 28" 1866 #414 | Virginia AH Terry AC See "V" 417 Vol 7 | Richmond Va July 27" Forwards approved recommendation of Capt Whiptal for the sale of a "Saw Mill" in his possession of the Bureau which is of no use to the Bureau This Mill was turned over by Dept of Negro affairs and is not borne on GM papers. | Aug 1 Ret'd with authority to sell under Sec 12 of Act to continue Bureau See "V" 417 for end. | 

| July 28" 1866 #415 * | Virginia AH Terry AC | Richmond July 26" 66 Statement of the proceedings at a cold meeting in Richmond complaining of their grievances. The allegations herein stated are true, and knows of no remedy unless Bureau Courts are reopened. | Filed. |