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| Aug 6th 1866 #427. | Virginia A H Terry AC. | Richmond Va Aug 3d 66  Forwards request of Wm. Perry requesting that transportation be furnished his destitute mother from Augusta Ga to Lynchburg, Va. | Aug 7th Respectfully returned to know if the Gov't will be relieved of the support of this freedwoman if transportation be furnished as requested. ST A.A.A.G Aug 18th Recd back endorsed by Capt Lacy stating that the Gov't will be relieved of the support of this woman if transportation is furnished. Filed in transpt papers. |  

| Aug 8th 1866 #428 | Virginia A H Terry AC | Richmond Va Aug 7 '66  Forwards statement of Humphrey Ruffin, that he was formally the slave of H.T Garnett of Alabama, that in 1850, he came to Virginia leaving behind five children the property of John Collins who lived near Woodville Ala, named William, Henry, James Andrew, and Isiah & Lydia Ann. Desires the assistance of the Bureau to find the children. | Aug 9th Respectfully referred to Asst Comr of Ala for report SF A.A.A.G Sept 18th Recd back inviting attention to endorsement of Maj C W Pierce stating that the children are all married except Isiah. They are in the employ of Jno Collins Macon Station Ala. Sept 19th Respectfully referred to Asst Comr of Va. whose attention is invited to endorsement hereon A.P.K  A.A.A.G |

| Aug 10th 1866  #429. | Virginia  A H Terry AC | Richmond Va Aug 8th 66  Forwards copies of letters of Asst Sup'ts Lts Wm L Fomald and J W Hay relative to the judgements given by the Freedmens Courts against whites, in favor of freedmen and the refusal of the whites to comply with the decision of the courts. Asks for instructions | Aug 15th Respectfully returned to Genl Terry who will please review these cases carefully and if they are found to be in accordance with legal rules in such cases the Dept Comdr will enforce the decisions of the Court ST  A.A.A.G |

| Aug 10th 1866 #430. * | Virginia  A H Terry AC | Richmond Va  Aug 8th 66  Encloses vouchers and application for retained bounty due Albert Jones, Henry Copeland, and George Spencer. Total. $300.33⅓ | Respectfully referred to Col Balloch C.D.O. ST A.A.A.G Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 1st/74. WGP. |

| Aug 10th 1866 #421 * | Richmond Va  Aug 7th 66  Forwards a personal letter of Genl Armstrong Supt 9th Dist relative to certain charges threatened to be made against him by Mrs Grimes. | Filed |