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| Aug 1st 1866 #197. * | War Department T T Eckert A Secy | Washington DC July 31 1866 Refers for investigation and report statement of Saml M Hughes that a large amount of military supplies collected by rebel authorities at Hairstones Depot NC in April 1865 was taken possession of by disloyal citizens. Urges an investigation and gives names of witnesses. The investigation is requested by Comng Genl in endorsement hereon. | Aug 2d Respectfully referred to AC of NC for report, in compliance with endorsement of Secy of War hereon ST A.A.A.G |

| Aug 2d 1866 #198. | War Department T T Eckert A Secy | Washington Aug 1st 1866 Refers for remarks com'n of Genl G G Meade reporting that Bureau Agents in Dept of the Carolinas decline to furnish Genl Sickles information relative to administration of affairs required by him to enable him to comply with Genl Meades orders. Also relation to Habeas Corpus writ and Genl Sickles Recommended by Genl Grant that officers and Agents of the Bureau be directed to furnish copies of their reports to the Chief of the Bureau upon such subjects as are within, referred to, to the C O of the Dept in which they are on duty without requiring such commanding officers to furnish such clerical force to make these out. | Aug 3 Respectfully returned to Hon Secy of War. Asst Comr will be instructed to carry out the suggestions of Genl Grant. My instructions asking for detailed enlisted men for clerks to furnish duplicate copies of reports to Dept Comdng was based on the belief that any clerical force was insufficient for the increased labor required by Dept  Commanders O.O.H. |

| Aug 2d 1866 #199 | White Wm F Capt &c | Amelia CH Aug 1st Desires information concerning Wm Lewis formerly a slave of Dr Bannister. he is said to be keeping a restaurant his brother is anxious about him | Aug 3d  Respectfully returned. It will be impossible to find this man unless some clue to this whereabouts or his last place of residence can be furnished. ST A.A.A.G |

| Aug 4 1866 #200. * | Wessels Francis | Philadelphia  Jany 21 66 Introduces his brother Theo A Wessels who is desiring of obtaining a clerkship | Filed Aug 8 See PLB Vol 2. Letter Retd "Not called for" Filed. |