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[4 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 18th 1866 #218. | Wicker H. A | Pottsylvania Va Aug 11' 66  States that he has opened a Sabbath School for the freedmen, but fears that it will be broken up unless protected by the Government. | Aug 2 Respectfully referred to Asst Comr of Virginia ST A.A.A.G Sept 12 Recd back stating that Mr Wicker has no grounds for any fear whatever. Sept. 15' Respectfully returned to Mr H. A. Wicker whose attention is invited to endorsement hereon of Capt Wilcox Supt. A.P.K A.A.A.G |  

| Aug 15' 1866 #219. | War Department W S Ketchum A.I.G See "G" 212 Vol 6. | Washington Aug 14  Returns letter of Capt Watson - Ga, requesting permission to deposit funds in the Augusta National Bank, also letter from Col Balloch CDO requesting permission to retain public funds in the National Bank of the Republic Washington D.C. Enclos Circular 21. War Dep't | Aug 20' Respectfully returned to Col Balloch inviting attention to en'd of Secy of War hereon. ST A.A.A.G | 

| Aug 23 1866 #220. * | War Department E M Stanton Sec'y | Washington DC Aug 23d 66.  Refers telegram of Gov Throckmorton of Texas to the Pres't reporting that an editor had been fined "$200. for strictures upon conduct of Freedmens teachers" with direction to make speedy report. | Filed. | 

Transcription Notes:
3/7 - all done, please review