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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
For Arkansas
Office of Assistant Commissioner
Little Rock, Ark., July 15th, 1867.
Major General O.O. Howard,
Washington D.C.
In reply to your communication of the sent inst. relative to the transfer of Mr. J. B. Webb, An Agent of the Am Miss Assn, now on duty in this District, to Mobile, Ala. I have the honor, in the absence of the Assistant Commissioner, to state that I Know of no objection to the transfer of Mr. Webb as requested by Revd J. R. Shipherde. Secretary of the Association
I am very respectfully.
Your Obt Servt
Jno E Bennett
1st Lieut 28th U.S. Infantry
Actg Asst Adjt Genl
In the absence of the Asst Commissioner