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Happy Valley

8560 HIGHWAY 150 - OJAI, CALIFORNIA 93023 - TELEPHONE (805) 646-3381

January 11, 1990

Dear Toshika,

Opening the Ceramic Monthly I gasped to see a beautiful pot. What a joy it was with its sense of poetry and beauty. I admire the invention of modern potters but regret their lack of aesthetic talent. There are very few things I would like to  have in my home. Maybe taste doesn't matter. Actually, what is taste? It is different with each individual. I want you to know that it was a relief to me to see your bowls.

My work has become easier for me since my lessons from you but I still have technical problems with which I struggle. Though I am still working I have a bad back which slows me up. Perhaps such a problem should never be mentioned for there is so much wonder in living on my hilltop. It is as if my eyes are continually shocked at the beauty of sunsets or the new moon in the sky with one star by its side. Everybody should live in the country away from cities.

Are we ever going to see you again?

With much love,