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6 Early 3.
Did you envision yourself?

B: I wanted to be hugged. That's true, I want to be hugged by some handsome man.

D: So, if you thought of what you wanted to do in life when you are older you just thought what I'm interested in is...

B: In being in love, that's all.

D: You didn't think about being an artist when you were young?

B: No, not really. As an escape, but not as being an artist. I never played with children. In school I was with girls and in summers they took me over to Europe with the Governess and the family and I went through museums. I didn't know what it was to play with children so it is very natural that I went into art.

BOB: You mentioned a little ways back that you heard about the Bohemians. What did you hear about the Bohemians?

B: Well, I don't remember, but you know all adults talk in front of children and they don't realize that the children, even if they are very young, hear. Here I was in a very,