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6 Early 6.
curious about life. I'm very interested in life. I am really very interested in human beings and wish I could change the world, which I can't do in an objective way.
From reading a great deal of philosophical concepts, which I do not like to push on anybody else, I am convinced for myself, we can only change ourselves inwardly and by changing ourselves we do change the world.
Now, just comes to the mind a silly little example: When I was in Shipley's school, there was a very unattractive girl there. All of us had to take walks with different partners every two or three weeks. It was the rule, two girls would go for a walk and you had to change partners, which was good.
Nobody wanted to take her for a walk and I felt sorry for her so I organized a list and went to my various friends and said, "Look, this is just for a short time. We cannot desert her. You have to take her for a walk." All right, that little gesture was a changing of the world.
I don't know why that came to mind but whatever we're doing is either of decency or of violence. In fact, I read something. Let me see if I can bring it down. That we have to be careful of an irrelevant remark because it could increase so as to make a war.
Now, an example. I had a cleaning woman. She's slovenly. I do not like her. So I refuse to pay her and I'm very mean to her. So she goes home. (I'm making this up) and she's talking to her husband. She's mean to him, so he goes