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6Early 26.

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G: Did you ever think about the relationships of the nuns with each other?

B:  No. No, never. I didn't know such a thing existed. In fact, I was so innocent, I didn't know what a prostitute was until I was nineteen. I didn't know the word "masturbation? until I was twenty-three or twenty-four. Homosexuality...well, I'd read Oscar Wilde, but, I didn't actually understand or think too much about it. (RMJ:30,31)

(***Early years Paul)

BOB:  When you talk about the guilt, you went through a period of your life where Paul borrowed money from the Arensbergs, and you took that so personally, at least emotionally as your debt. How did you work through that?

B:  I think that is the cause of this neck injury I have. It was such a terrible thing for me. My father was very correct about business, and taught me one never borrows. And [[strikethrough]] if [[/strikethrough]] that a man should use me and borrow from my very dear friends, nothing worse could have happened to me. For years and years I couldn't mention it to other people. And though I kept on seeing the Arensbergs, we never mentioned it together. I was able to repay when my grandmother died. [[strikethrough]] I gained [[/strikethrough]] only three thousand dollars.

As my father and mother said, and also my good friend