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5Relationships 44.

points of view, it makes me confident, I didn't think of this myself) that most of our life is spent dilly-dallying to get away from our aloneness. This makes great sense to me.

If I can be still, stop being like scrambled eggs for just one minute, when the inventor has the time, great things come in. In a way my mind is quiet because I'm not thinking how to make a glaze, how to make money, how to get the man. I'm poised in thought now, so things come down. I think that if we can accept our aloneness, then our activity becomes different. It's not just to get away and to solve the loneliness. That the activity is much more full of power of song because it [[strikethrough]] touches [[/strikethrough]] open,. This, instead of, "Oh, somebody loves me, somebody understands me." that birds

It is impossible, you know there is such a thing as worry. I'm groping, and I can change my mind any minute. (RMK:15-18)


J: But, Beatrice when you were with Reginald, you were working very hard. It may not have been pottery but you were working in the plays with him. You were fully engaged.

B: I was engaged with him, keeping him on a straight path, you see. He was lecturing, he was putting on plays. When I knew him just a short time, he was putting on "The Idiot" All right, nothing was [[strikethrough]] happening. [[/strikethrough]] organized. Estelle Winwood would turn to