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Philosophy 9.

B:  [[strikethrough]] No. [[/strikethrough]] I remember two of them. I can tell you if you wish.

The first one was about jealousy. I'd wanted to get a glaze and I couldn't, for months. I went up to Clairmont and there I saw a plate with the very glaze I longed to make. And it hit me right here, like a pistol blow.

I was so appalled, because I'm generally not jealous where art's concerned. I am only jealous where men are concerned, due to the way men have treated me. I was appalled.

More or less, Krishnamurti made me see..."All right, you're jealous. What of it? Drop it.  Don't dwell on it. Don't fight it, because if you fight it, you keep energy. Drop it. Let it go, and go on. We're all jealous. Just let it go."

It had great meaning for me. And of course this was all said very differently than I can repeat it.

The other time was: I had heard him talk and I was in a very wonderful state of mind. And I went up to San Francisco to visit my rich aunt. I was in her apartment for two hours and I felt I had been engulfed by the black venom of a snake. She was peppy, she was mean, and I couldn't breath. I felt suffocated again.

So I went to him and he said, "We must not let people speak to us like that." He said, "You must free yourself completely of ever wanting any money from her when she dies." And I saw that.

I hadn't consciously been interested in her money. But,