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Stanley & Maxine got her divorce last Thursday. I suppose she wire Clayton. Here is the joke - it is dead secret - except to Clayton & even to him if he would tell it. Stanley would have our fit if it got out on Maxine. Except for the fact that the lawyer had a personal pull with the judges it would never have been granted - because, because, as follows: Maxine dressed herself in bright red & frisked into the court room or office sans stockings, plenty of rouge & the judge wasn't crazy about her. He said "divorce granted & in doing this I feel I am conferring a favor on her husband as well as herself." - He said this to the lawyer but Stanley overheard it. Very likely Maxine did not hear- So cremate this letter. Stanley had the giggles over it &, I suspect, he rather sympathized with the judge. Poor Stanley spent an unhappy hour in court!

I hope to enclose a copy of a letter Stanley has just written to Grayson re his job. 

Dunny is here & I am writing on my lap up stairs. Excuse. Poor Captain Dick - he will think two wild women are determined he shall come to Calif. I hope you did not terrify him! I really think he is undoubtedly on the high Cs by this time.