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The W.P.A. people are doing only the cheapest variety of play - appealing to the gallery entirely. Of course there is a chance for me there, but it is a slim chance, to do something really interesting. And the conditions that exist there are not quite honest. But I might be able to do something. The pay is 27.50 a week. Now which should I do? - The experience there of doing a new play a week is of course good because it keeps my inventive powers on the go. But in the end, how much it would count for is the question . . . There is much to be said in its favor - & against. With W.P.A. I will have more actual responsibility and work, but with Chaney I'll be working with someone who is "in". Throu him I will probably be able to make more & better contacts. I think it might be better to be able to say that I worked with Stuart Chaney than with W.P.A. What do you think?

My love,

P.S. W.P.A. paid me up to Nov. 5 - $136.40, so now I can at least breathe a little.