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No. 2. Miss Wood.

And so you have decided to swap divine ambition for human ambition !   That intrigues me very much. I shall be an eager watcher of the processes whereby this works itself out. No, I don't think any the less of you for not being "liberated" and deciding to loiter through life. In fact, I think you will loiter through life just the same whether you thought yourself liberated or not.

Don't make the mistake of thinking the Masters put us here.      
They are just our great friends, loving us and guiding us when They can into more and more natural channels of life. We put ourselves here.  Nobody else. There is not anybody we can blame for ourselves but ourselves.

Why should there be a world at all? God only knows, and He won't tell. I have certain peculiar views of my own on the subject.    Perhaps I shall share them with you, if you honor me with a visit. 

Looking forward to seeing you before long, I am, 
Affectionately, A.P.W.