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Post Cards

Sept 5 1959

Just got Art News Annual - saw picture - you look happy - read review and evaluation and am glad you are in - Keep it up

David S

Aug 29 1956

Dear Dorothy - Will hold all until I hear from you. Shocked to find that some of both of ours had mildewed and some smoked up a bit but Ive all them and you can go over and save what you want - Havent had time to clean pictures trying to clean up walls floors ceilings etc and make racks, get it in first class storage condition. Will store all on racks as soon built and until you request them.

Nov 8, 1961

Dear Dorothy

It doesnt matter - I'll definitely withdraw from prizes but I didnt care for 3rd -and I dont even care - havnt thot about it so busy remodeling original studio - bigger and roof insulated- Have been working to keep from being lonesome for my kids - will push hard now - have 8 big one s done which I couldnt show - Not too satisfied with Gerson but know nothing better - I'm not tied up however will get Bronzes soon I hope Had call from Weber -she sold farm -asked me to stop in - will do first chance I get 2 men working keeps me busy - bulldozed 3 small ponds in brook bed near shop get depressed occasionally Give me Cherry's European address will write him - will get to painting soon

Best DavidS