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Dear Dorothy

I read about Ralph P - but not the account you sent me. So the poet Isdre Pywon is a big business man too - I wonder how Brooklyn Ethel will take being Mrs. Governor. So old Pappy Pearson was Drew's daddy. I want to go down again. (about a week)

I took my kids to Florida, Captiva Island. We had a grand time. Went in the Mercedes which I bought from a friend. Its a sedan far from a truck.

Im working tonight because I'm lonely and it is my only friend. But when I thing there were many nights in Brooklyn at the TIW with no place in the world, where and when it was as hard but different.

Shows dont always go good - you have to be prepared for it - there is no justice or accounting. It was twenty years before the Modern bot another piece after the first.

Constantine sold the picture of three heads I made in 47 - which she bot, but didnt finish paying for. It brot only 225 at Park Bernet I didnt know or I'd have bot it back.

If you can use any money let me know you can have it - or borrow it - that is open as long as I have any.

Mom said you have been liad up - how are you now

Ken Noland seemed interested in Webers house and barns. He is divorced from Cornelia. Webers brother died. She has only a neice. Bert Warrens kid broke his neck - on a ski jump - he will be a paraplegic. Bert is broken naturally - Gary is now 17 big and handsome. A shame.

Go to work now at 8 AM - Have Leon Pratt helping me - work is too big for me to handle. Need help.

Work good

Went over with him - run down and grown up