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Afro-American Art History 254 

Reference Notes

1. Joshua Johnston, of Baltimore, Maryland active from 1796 to 1824, is the best known Afro-American painter of this period. He is noted for his portraits of well-to-do Maryland families.

2. Robert S. Duncanson (1817-1872), of Cincinnati, Ohio, was a painter of portraits and landscapes. His murals still adorn the stately Long-worth mansion (now the Taft Museum.

3. Edward M. Bannister (1828-1901), of Providence, Rhode Island. In 1876 one of his works was purchased by a New York collector for $1,500, a considerable sum for any painter of that time. Bannister later became a founding member of Providence Art Club.

4. A petite brown skinned girl of Negro-Indian extraction, Edmonia Lewis 1843 1890 is the first well-known Afro-American sculptor. She traveled to Rome, where she worked and studied, becoming a favorite of the ex-patriate art community in Rome.

5. Henry O. Tanner (1859-1937) emerged as an outstanding artist of international reputation, called by many Europeans as the dean of American painting of his period.