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22 Jan 23
Dear Butts:-
About the frames :- I told both the frame-worker & Guillaume that I would guarantee the payment of your bill, so I presume that the bill will be sent to you direct, after the frames are sent to your address. Measure them as soon as they arrive & if the dimensions are not correct, don't pay the bill. When you receive the importation papers, consisting of way bill & consular invoice, give them to any custom house broker & he will attend to the formalities. Even with the duty - which is, I think, about 40%, I believe your frames will be much, much cheaper & certainly much better than any made in America.
After I wrote you I nearly dropped dead in seeing a choice Greco & an extraordinary Claude Lorraine belonging to a private collection where they had been for many years & were so dirty that nobody at a casual glance would recognize their values. I bought both of them on the spot & they will be here in a month. The Greco [[square box drawn with dimensions written of 30 tall and 18 wide]] is a composition