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New York Jan 28 

Dear Leon, 
Thanks for your letter to Dr Lempert and for your frank talk about price s. I have already told Antoinette Kraushaar that we would not part with the smallest canvas or panel less than a thousand dollars net. I agree with you absolutely about prices. I wish we did not have to sell any. Willie painted such a diversity of subjects that a flower piece or any other alone does not represent him. 

I have told Lowe that they are the nicest people I ever dealt with. YES THAT IS WHAT YOU SAID I WOULD FINSD OUT I have paid them about I500 

and owe them goodness knows how much more. My business, (a small one) was taxed over eighty thousand dollars this year so NOT ONE CENT has a stockholder received and my brother wont accept a salsary. So I 

shall have to sell some pictures, anyway. I hope to live long enough to see Hitler under ground and Roosvelt placed where he cant harm the country any further. 
Will you please forward the inclosed to Mr Bruce after reading it. Last night I saw the most beautiful movie I ever saw_ the Carnival in 

Flanders. Of course you and Viette saw it. I am so sorry Willie did not as it is an artists dream. 
You wont regret your winter in the country. It will have doNE you so much good. 
Ever so much love to Viette and many thanks to you. 
Edith Glackens. 
glad you are better 
The rest did you no harm.