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308 W 16th St

Mch 26 1910

My Dear Mr. Gellatly

I spent a delightful evening Thursday.

Mr Arthur Beaupré was kind enough to play some selections from Chopin.

And Miss Inez Sanders played a beautiful composition of Schumans beautifully

Mr. Beaupré has a great love for pictures; and is anxious particularly to see the "Flying Dutchman 

I told him I was sure you would be pleased to show him your gallery -

While not a professional musician he plays with rare feeling and appreciation and brings the same qualities into the picture world, making of course a great pleasure in the showing of them.

I promised to write you: although I told him I did not think it necessary as you were generous in showing your things

Mr. Hartley a young painter was here yesterday to get your address which I gave him.

He thought a line too would help him: I told him it wasn't necessary as you had promised Mrs Fitzpatrick to show him your treasures; I did not know that you had been told by her that I would probably do so.

So a gracious duty is twice performed in one note
