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They lived the life of angels;
for they worshipped each other as angels.

From their coming steps, and
their going steps arose the fragrances
of flowers and they respired the 
aroma of their odors: each to forestall the other in
little acts of tenderness and with the intuitiveness of inspiration which is love they penetrated to the wishes
of the inner soul and delighted
of the wonder of their perceptions [[guess]]
[[]] [[]] morning one day any thee[[?]] day, varied only by increasing love increasing tenderness.
Her [[]] were too pure to touch the dust, he lifted her
in and out of convergences[[?]] and over
obstacles that destroy the grace
and harmony of womans movements and each day
she seemed lighter because he
grew stronger [[]] and beautiful
breathing and living in this[[?]] this[[?]] exquisite atmosphere of this affection.
Albert P. Ryder