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Now, we ask ourselves, does our building express in form the aspirations of man - and we stare into emptiness. Part of the cause of this emptiness is probably the fact that our new industrialized society still suffers from the materialism of youth. The demands of this society have been so dynamic and developments have been so rapid that the architect has not had the time nor gained the maturity to gather himself for this challenge. 

We are very much in the beginning of a whole new period of architecture. After all, it was only a few years back that the scenery builders built Gothic colleges and Roman banks, the false facades displaying aspirations of a former time. In a broad sense, we can say that today's buildings fail utterly by not even recognising a spiritual side of architecture. Looking back at our time from the vantage point of, let us say, a hundred years, this picture would clearly be true. 

We have talked about the great bulk of building today. Let's now focus on the much smaller group which seem to lead not by size but by intellect. Here we find the great form givers of architecture and their followers. They are widely dispersed throughout the world - America, France, Brazil, Italy, and Finland. 

There seems to be size easily discernible branches of modern architecture. They divide into two main groups. In one group we have those that have been referred to as "individualists", "romantists, "humanists". The other group contains those that have been referred to as "classic" "functionalists", [[strikethrough] Let us on [[\strikethrough] and whose work carries the lable [[label]] of the"international style". Let us examine each of the six forces that seem to exist today. 

1. The first strong influence on the architecture of our time eminates [[emanates]] from the great long genius, Frank Lloyd Wright. His tremendous contribution goes back to the very beginnings of modern architecture when he contributed many of the fundamental concepts upon which this whole movement was built. Today, once more, with our growing maturity, we are recognising [[recognizing]] a new significance in his work - its spiritual quality.