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Sunday, February 22-you phoned from Idlewild and I wanted to tell you the engagement to Edgar would soon be ended, but I didn't know if it would interest you...
[[strikethrough]], February 26-New York, N.Y.- We went to the Veau d'Or for dinner and you told me a little more about your marriage and how it could go either way, but I said it didn't matter, that I felt we would be friends, good friends, anyway. And I told you the engagement was off. And then we went back to the Langdon and there was a lovely, longer time together and that night I think I first made the acquaintance of Da and Vinci.

[[strikethrough]] February 27-New York, N.Y.- We met at the Madison and had whiskey sours. I was dressed in a horrible blue-shantung-piped-in-white suit and you looked at me skeptically and said, "Oh, clothes for the South" (I've given that suit away since then you'll be glad to know) and I knew I looked awful anyway because the crisis of Edgar and of Joe in the hospital and wanting to re-marry me was at its height (Edgar over, but the experience still upsetting). And you had that terrible headache. But somehow, inspite of all that, we talked about how we each had things to give the other. And then, waiting for a taxi, I told you how when I was seventeen I decided that I wanted to be "intelluptuous." And then you drove me to the Ritz...

Friday, [[strikethrough]] March 13, 1953-New York, N.Y.- It was the night of Hal's party but I met you (late) at Beaujolais. And this time I think we both knew that the long-term friendship had already begun. We went to the Drake Room for brandies and you said an affair between people of our age had the quality of a marrieage and I said, "Oh, not necessarily", but I wasterribly pleased and the Langdon afterward was terribly nice.