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Friday, March 20, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y.--You came for drinks and Don was entertaining Sweeney and some other of his friends and we sat in the living room and then we went to the Barberry Room (ex-Elbow Room, I mean) and that was the night we discussed what a marriage could be and a marital relationship and I came up with the pupil-sister-daughter--etc. etc.--through much nicer things to WIFE. That time you had the suite at the Langdon which somehow made us feel more at ease--and love-making was wonderful and I hated leaving you.

Saturday, March 21, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y.-- The next day we met at the Sculpture Center and as I saw you walk down the street towards me my heart lifted and I felt terribly happy. It was fun looking at the sculpture and I was glad you liked the Rosak; and then we went to see the painters and I loved your comments for you were looking with fresh and honest eyes and you expressed your reactions with wonderfully colorful directness; and we had lunch and the horizons began to open farther. Then I came back to interview Wind and you went to see Shu. And we had dinner at the Bistro and you told me about the Finnish girl and it was nice and one felt the relationship growing in many directions. And the Langdon was still wonderful. Talk at dinner about "interlocking elements" in architecture. Nice.

Sunday, March 22, 1953--NEW YORK, N.Y.-- I went out with Joe and the children and my ex-mother-in-law and then to an elaborate cocktail party, but I met you late at the Langdon and we had a lovely little while together and when we left in the taxi I wrote you [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] a letter and I think I told you you were a wonderfully whole man. And then you bought me Liz Gordon's article and we had a drink in the Biltmore. I saw you off at the train and I knew I had begun to miss you very much between times.


Transcription Notes:
[[image]]s - hearts and stars