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Thenodan [[?]]

I'm losing it. there is a hole+ I don't know how to fill it. I don't know here the stuff is to fill it. I have paintings, I ache, my arm hurt my elbow is sore when I lean on it. I look at past ant [[?]]. I dont have the strength to make it. my studio I avoide it my illustration I don't pursue it. What next, God do I have courage to become dependent, to not be able to move, do I have courage to face limitations oh Boy?? Courage? what else can I makee - what to do. Courage? unite more neohon [[?]] your journals make a space to keep alive, Some part of me for the futinen [[?]], Stay Creative, 

Teachnis [[?]] 
- manhen [[?]]    - cut out shoe 
- Sissors         - Spray on board 
- white glue      - cut out carefully
- Spray Mont.     - put, foam core on red 
- foam core       - Apply to board