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[[handwritten]] P.S. Reggie, we're so outdated until we don't even know writing letters is [[?]] of the past. It's so like we're still dipping quills into inkwells. Bl [[end]]

130 West 26th Street 
New York, New York 10001

October 17, 1994

Dear Reggie, 

First of all it was a great relief to hear that you're doing okay after your surgery. Hey, the world needs "Ole Reggie" around to keep it straight about what happened back there with Spiral, or who the real Bill Majors was. Incidentally I see Susan Steadman every once in awhile, she seems to be carrying on Bill's legend admirably. By the way I enclosed an invitation for a show of Norman's, Ouida, and her daughter are still doing buisness [[business]] with his works.

Also I was glad to hear you're settled and getting back your rythem [[rhythm handwritten], y'know "a jooging and jiving those paints around". I have to be careful about making you laugh though, who knows you might pull a stitch.

Nene and I are going to the Whitney Museum to see the exhibition about Black men curated by the Whitney's Black curator, Thelma Golden!; Don'y [[don't]] worry we are so out of style for her, even if we'd been considered, in fact she came to my studio and gave a glimpse of a couple of line drawins and said, "I'll be getting back to you". Well I've sat by the phone, checked the mail and still she hasn't gotten around to it, but I'm patient. She, Thelma Golden, is very Mod, not taking anything from her intellect because she's well on the right track to where she's going. It's almost amusing, (of it didn't hurt so much), to see how out-of-style one is when dealing with today's fashionable art. Oh sure there's always [[underlined]] something [[end]] wrong to carp about in art so this is nothing new, anyway in the [[underlined]] in [[end]] art has a heavy does of clothing and hair style of fashion in it.