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On my recent trip to Winston-Salem, N.C. for a show I spoke highly of you and your work to the director of the (Diggs), gallery and told her I'd suggest to you that you send some biographical materials for them to consider when they schedule their next round of exhibitions. Brooke Linga, director, is very nice and receptive so if you have not committed yourself to exhibitions for eternity I'd suggest that you contact them. They have a wonderful gallery and are very professional. Brooke Anderson Linga, Director, Diggs Gallery, Winston-Salem State University, 601 M.L.K., Jr. Drive, Winston-Salem, N.C. 27110 phone # 910 750-2458 [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]]
Well I got to get away from this typewriter, we are going up to Connecticut in an hour for the week-end. It's been a New York week here, school, etc. Also I had my Atlanta dealer up to Connecticut to select work for my May 1996 exhibition in Atlanta to span the Olympics, and that was exhausting. I'm doing a series on music.
Hope you're in the midst of a good working jag. I see your old friends often and I reassure them that you are on top of things out there in the southwest.
Oh yes, if you talk to the Diggs gallery people I'm sure they'd be interested in a theme body of your work, like the gospel singers, they responded well to my work that way rather than just showing them an assortment of paintings and drawings.
When I talked to the Diggs people about you, don't worry I didn't mentioned that when I first med you up at the Institute of Arts and Letters with Earl Miller, that you were stewed: I'm the kind of guy who forgets easily. Nene says to say Hi to you and Johnny.

1-910-750-2458 correct #