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Benny Andrews
130 West 26th Street
New York, N.Y. 10001

January 27, 2000

Dear Reggie,

Well it's here!

The big 2000,and I hope you and Johnny went back inside the house a few minutes after then new year came in and realized that the K2Y things was all in the minds of the TV hucksters.

I'm also thinking about your coming to New York city,last I heard was that you'd be having an exhibition with Bill Hodges,is that true?If so the town will definitely turn out to welcome the prodigal son home.I'll expect to see Herb Gentry,Ed Clark,Leroy Henderson,Manual Hughes,Camille Billops,Ademola,and who knows,maybe Henri Ghent and Nigel Jackson might come out of the woodwork to greet you.

I see Nigel slinking along the walls of NYC as a messenger of some kind.I don't know if I told you but one time I stopped him one time and asked why he'd opted out of the art world?(funny how history come back around though,several people have mentioned "Acts of Art Gallery"as having historical significance in terms of it's early existence),h e said in a very hang dog pitifully voice,"I just can't get involved anymore". There is quite a few former New Yorkers who have found a home in the warm southwest recently,May Stevens,Harmony Hammonds and Lucy Lippard to name a few,do you ever run into them or hear about their doings?Oh yes,Bob Blackburn,will be there if he can make it,he's in very poor health.I see him when I go to the gym down near the Chelsa,

I'm working as much as usual,a couple of big projects with museum shows in the offering.This coming week end the "Black Art Show" opens at the Puck building and everybody will be there.It's uncanny how successful it is,celebritites arriving in limousines,and dealers and artists from all over the country congregate for several days.It is like what used to happen at the National Conference of Artist's meetings.Are you coming in for the College Art Association meeting?I probably know the answer,but it would be good to see you up at one of the midtown hotels holding court with the youngsters of today telling them about how you and I single handily stood toe to toe with big bad Henri Ghent in the rough and tumble days of yore.

Noel down in Charlotte said she'd have communications with you,oh yes so did Stella Jones,(gallery),and that you're having a show with them!Rick gruber,the author of "Icons",(the biographical book on me done by the Morris Museum),has moved to New Orleans and taken over the Odgen museum,(of the University of New Orleans),and should you exhibit at Stellas,he'd definitely be interested in your work.

Nene just came in after a hard day in the fields,I mean studio,so I must sign off.
