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May 15,2000

Dear Reggie, 

Well I haven't heard from you for awhile so I assume you are somewhere painting cowboys or cacti or mesas.

Anyway I hope things worked out for you in New Orleans,I know that Stella and Harry really like that you and Johnny came down for the show.I've been running across the old gang,including getting a call from Bill Hutson who is teaching at the college in Pennsylvania.

All of us who can are taking a break from the city and making tracks out to where the trees grow.I've had a hectic year,exhibiting and things so it will be good to take a respite and spend time in my studio.Oh yes Rick Mayhew will be doing a week down in Tougaloo,(I was there last year),and knowing Rick,there will be some interesting stories following him when he leaves.There is a good video out on him that was just done.

So how are you doing? I tell everyone that you are a phenomena, "being able to keep an active and creative life in the southwest,and Afro-American too!!

When you get to the east,and hopefully that will be sometime soon,it would be nice to get together and have dinner.In the meantime I hope things are popping for you. I want to get this off so you'll know that things are humming along on this end.
