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(3) At the time of serving member to be tried with notice of time. date and place of trial, the accused member shall be furnished with a complete and true copy of the complaint and this shall be done at least one month before the trial.
(2) To judge what constitutes sufficient complaint or complaints for
Court Martial.
(a) Any member may be tried by Court Martial for any offense that tends to bring discredit against the Flag and the Women's Air Reserve.

(Examples: Conduct unbecoming a member of the Women's 
wrongful use or display of uniform; conduct unbecoming a lady and an officer;
violations of Women's Air Reserve regulations and designated duties; loss of a Department of Commerce license because of violation of its regulations; use of the name Women's Air Reserve, its uniform, Flag, or membership to personally publicize one's self or in any manner whatever to obtain or cause to be obtained personal publicity.
Personal aggrandizement gained through being a member of the Women's Air Reserve will be considered one of the major offenses.)
(5) To notify members of their Corps Areas of the findings and results of the Court Martial.

(4) Advisory Boards:
 An Advisory Board of from three to five persons may be appointed by the Commanding General at her discretion.
(5) Such other Boards and Committees as may be deemed necessary or advisable and appointed by the Commanding General.

9. Officers appointed by the Commanding General:
(1) All Corps Areas Squadron. Group, and Wing Commanding Officers.
(2) An Officer of any rank to be the Commanding General's Adjutant.
(a) Whose duties shall be:
(1) Adjutant for the Commanding General and the Women's Air Reserve and its Nine Corps Areas.
(2)To create and maintain for each and every member of the Women's Air Reserve a No. 201 file.
(b) To hold office only during the term of the Commanding General.
(3) An officer of any rank to be the Corps Areas Finance Officer for the Women's Air Reserve and its nine Corps Areas.
(a) Whose duties shall be:
(1) To care for all Corps Area moneys of the nine Corps Areas of the Women's Air Reserve.
(2) To pay all just bills of the Corps Areas of the nine Corps Areas of the Women's Air Reserve.
(3) To present to the Commanding General a yearly financial statement on or about July First (1st).
10. Proposed amendments to these regulations will be listed and voted upon at the time of each election for the Commanding General and two-thirds vote of the commissioned personnel shall be required to adopt any amendment or repeal any existing regulation.
11. There shall be no initiation fee, dues or assessments.

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