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12.Fiscal years shall begin at midnight, June 30th, of each year.
13.Miscellaneous Communications: (Any member may in writing):
 (a) Propose names for enlistment in the Woman's Air Reserve and direct the Corps Area Enlistment Board to mail a Women's Air Reserve application blank to a proposed member.
 (b) Make complaint on any subject to the Commanding General through her immediate Commanding Officer.

 (a) In the event a member, enlisted or commissioned, misses two consecutive monthly meetings, the Squadron Adjutant shall require said member to furnish a written explanation of absence. 
 (b) In the event a member misses three consecutive monthly meetings and does not comply with Regulations No. 14-a, the matter shall be reported in writing by the Squadron Adjutant to the Corps Area Rating Board and the Squadron Commanding Officer for such action as may be warranted and ordered. 
15. Files and Reports: 
 (a) No. 201 File: 
    (1) There shall be maintained for each and every member of the Women's Air Reserve a file for all correspondence and records pertaining to that individual. 
    (2) Each file shall be maintained by and in the keeping of the Commanding General's Adjutant, who shall treat all information as strictly confidential and preserve its secrecy under lock and key. 
    (3) Permission to have access to this file must be obtained from the Commanding General. 
    (4) No member shall be permitted to have access to her own No. 201 file. 
    (5) The Commanding General's No. 201 file shall be maintained by her Adjutant. 
    (6) The Commanding General's Adjutant's No. 201 file shall be maintained by the Commanding General and in the keeping of the Commanding General. 
 (b) Efficiency Reports: 
    (1) Shall be made out for each and every member of the Women's Air Reserve by their Squadron Commanding Officers, yearly, on or before July First; copies shall be made for the Squadron, Corps Area Headquarters, No. 201 File and the Commanding General. 
    (2) Squadron, Group and Wing Commanding Officers, Corps Areas Finance Officer and the Commanding General's Adjutant's Efficiency Reports shall be made out by the Commanding General and copies shall be made for the No. 201 File and the Commanding General. 
   (3) No member shall have access to her own Efficiency Reports. 
16.The Uniform: 
 (a) The Dress and Fatigue uniforms of the Women's Air Reserve shall only be worn by commissioned officers unless otherwise ordered by the Corps Area Rating Board and approved by the Commanding General. 
 (b) (Dress uniform not authorized at printing of this copy of Women's Air Reserve Regulations).
 (c) Fatigue uniform: 
   (1) LaFayette Esquadrille Blue Jodphurs, red stripe down leg of Jodphurs.