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#204 So. 12th St.,
Philadelphia, July 13th, 1867.

Major Genl. O. O. Howard,
Commissioner, Bureau A. F. and A. L.,
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to apply for a position in your department if you have a vacancy, or if you have not to ask that you may consider me an applicant for such as soon as you have one. I have rec'd a course of education at the colored High School in this city, and bear a diploma in testimony thereof. During the past Winter was engaged as clerk under Col. Robt. R. Corson, Cor. Secy. Penna. Branch Am. Frd. Union Commission, to whom I can refer you for capability and character; also to the Hon. Wm. D. Kelly, John W. Forney and Frederick Douglass, Esqr., from all of whom I can obtain letters.

Hoping that you may give this some consideration I am
Your most Obdt. Servt.,
T.J. Minton.