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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]

or 8
Jackson Ten Aug /67

Genl O.O. Howard
   Dear Sir
 I take the liberty of droping you a few lines in regard to the freedmans Buro I would like too be appointed agent at this place I sent a petition to Col Palmer I understand that he is about to appoint a mn by the name of Irwin who is opposed to the collard man voting and is also a Ethridge Man  [[strikeout]]  I have also [[/strikeout]]  I have been true to the Government all through the war and have rendered the Army a great many Services.  I have lost all I have by the war and am verry needy I was arested by the Rebbels and taken South for being a Loyal man  I think I can do as well for the Collard Man as any one and at the same time come as near pleasing the White man I have understood that Ol Plmer  [[Palmer]] objects to me for the reason that I drink