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Washington, April 7, 1865.

I..Before a General Court Martial which convened at Paducah, Kentucky, March 7, 1865, pursuant to Special Orders, No. 51, dated February 1, 1865; No. 64, dated February 9, 1865, War Department, Adjutant General's office, Washington, and of which Major General DAVID HUNTER, United States Volunteers, is President, was arraigned and tried——

Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th United States Colored Heavy Artillery.

CHARGE.——"Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline."

Specification 1st——" In this: that Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) did cause, procure, and allow extracts from a certain military order, not officially communicated to him. the said Colonel H W. Barry, nor through the regular military channels, to be made out and certified as official by the signature of George W. Cox, Adjutant of the 8th United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) which said extracts announced the discharge from the service of the United States of Lieutenant Colonel Richard Cunningham and Major Henry Bartling, both of the said 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) and the appointment of other officers in their stead; and did cause and allow said extracts, so certified as official, to be delivered to said Cunningham and Bartling as official orders.  This at Paducah, Kentucky, on or about the 30th day of January, 1865."

Specification 2d——"In this: that Colonel H. W. Barry, 8th Regiment United States Colored Artillery, (Heavy,) while commanding the post of Paducah, Kentucky, did wrongfully procure and cause the firm of Norton Brothers, bankers, in Paducah, Kentucky, to receive of one Mrs. Kerr, of said place, the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in United States Treasury notes, and to pay to the said Mrs. Kerr, in lieu thereof, the sum of