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Washington DC
Aug 15 1867

H W Barry

Your letter of the 9th inst is received. Your statement is false about your calling to see me. You took my ring [[uncaringly?]]. You did not intend I should know where you had gone, nor did you wish any one here to know where you was; what about your dismissed in 62 I have the facts from D.W. Lindsey Adjt Gen of Ky in an official order and communication to me now in my possession with other documents. Your Banking matters at Louisville, cotton speculation, your sutlers account at Louisville and other matters you bleive I know nothing about them. The Louisville Journal gives you a fine reputation, so does the evidence given before Col Guppy at Paducah, Workers statement; charges against you in Texas, some of the evidence before the Court Martial in your case at Paducah of which Hunter was President equally as interesting (I seen Hunter yesterday) You ordered me to pay for the lettering of the Regt colors 85 dollars and some cents I was not repaid. You slep in the same

Transcription Notes:
3-7-2022: Transcribed per guidelines (spelling errors transcribed as is) with a few unresolved words [[?]]s remaining; Please do not mark for review or complete until [[?]]s are resolved. Perhaps [[mlaringly?]] is meaningly a mispelling or alternate form of meanly?