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Depot Quartermaster's Office,
Washington, D. C. Aug 29th 1867

Bvt Major General O. O. Howard
Supdt Bureau R F & A Lands.
Washington D.C.


I find, upon relieving Bvt Lieut Col James M. Moore Qr. Mr. that he has been furnishing coffins, digging graves, and employing four (4) hearses, teams and drivers in the burial of freedmen, upon orders from your bureau.

I am not in possession of any order authorizing me to furnish such labor or stores: Should there be such in your possession, please furnish me with a copy, if none, I shall feel compelled, in pursuance of General Orders No 76. - a copy of which I enclose - to discontinue their use, without the authority of the War Department, as required by Par. IV of that order