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case, in which I fined Laborers engaged at the "Shiloh" National Cemetery. One man I fined ten (10) dollars for striking a comrade over the head with a shovel.  The wounded man was confined to his bed for nearly two weeks; should the government lose the value of his time, or should the sufferer? in all due respect I must say neither, hence after thoroughly investigating the case, I fined the guilty party the money value of the time lost, which was credited to the Government, and the guilty party made suffer the loss; the other cases were men who were engaged in Nashville, and transportation furnished them by the Government, a few days after their arrival, they were found to be entirely incapacitated from duty, owing to a chronic case of secondary syphilis, these men when engaged, knew well they were unable to work, but thought "Pittsburg Landing" a fine place to recover from their complaint, and as it was Government work they could practice deception, and it would not be noticed, but unfortunately for them, they were laboring under an hallucination. I discharged them publicly before all the men, stating the circumstances in full, and fined them the amount of their transportation. I judge