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|When Received.|Name of Writer.|Date and Purport of Letter.|
|Sept 7" 1866 #409 | Alabama. W. Swayne General. Approved per Major Kinsman A.A. G. Spet 8" 1866. | Montgomery Sept. 3 1866 
States that orders have been received mustering out Col. C. Cadle. Spr. and Major O.D. Kinsman Asst. Adjt. General. States that the interest of the service requires that the muster out of Major Kinsman. be postponed until a suitable officer is sent to replace him. Asks to be advised by telegraph if suspension of the order can be effected. |
| Sept 7" 1866 #410 | Adjt. Generals Office. T. M Vincent. A.A.G. See A387 Vol 7 & Vol 8 1866. Returned to A. G recommendation is that the within request be granted and previous papers enclosed. Sept 8" 1866. Enclosed herewith A382 Vol 6 & Vol 7 & Vol 8 1866| Washington. Sept 6" 1866. Refers com'n of Lt. Grand A. Page. V.R.C. tendering his resignation and calls attention to previous papers referred on 17" ultimo. | 
| Sept 7" 1866 #411 | American Tract Society. N. Broughton Jr. Dep'y.  file mok 1073. | Boston, Mass. Sept 6" 1866. Requests an order for transportation for a box of Books for freedman to Wm M Colby Sup't Freedmen's Schools Little Rock Ark. |
| Sept. 8" 1866. #412. | Adjt. Genl. Office. T. M. Vincent. A. A. G. (1 encl) Referred comr of 1st Lieut J.R. Byers, V.R.C. reports himself on leave of absence, and forwards Surg certificate of disabilities and to know if any reason exists why this officer should not be mustered out.
Referred to C.M.C. for remarks Sept 11: 1866. Recd back with report Sept 12" 1866 E.B. pages 12" 1855. Vol 2.

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| Sept 15 1866. #413 EB page 10 Vol 2. | Adjt. General's Office R. Williams, AAG. See S B Sept 5 1866. | Washington D.C. Sept 5" 1866. Refers telegram of Br. Brig. Genl. H.M. Whittlesey asks (if he is to be a Duply in the regular service. ) that he may be assigned to duty in Washington and enquires if the place can be dept open until Oct. 1' 1866. The matter referred to hereing is probably the same as tat embodied in his letter of the 5" inst. to the Quarter Genl requesting the assignment of Gen. Wehittlesey as Chief QrMr of Freedmen's Bureau. |

| Sept 15" 1866. #414 * | Alabama. W. Swayne General. file. | Montgomery Ala. Sept 1" 1866. Reports relation to affairs of the Bureau in Ala. |

| Sept 16" 1866. #415. E.B. page 111 Vol2. DC11' Rec'd back with rept EB p 134 Vol2. | Washington. Sept 8" 1866. Refers comr of Millia Armes (colored) relative to her free born child apprenticed until he is 21 years of age. Wishes to know if there is any means of getting him released. |

| Sept. 8" 1866. #416. EB page 11 Vol 2. | Adjt General's Office. T.M. Vincent A.A.G. | Washington. Sept 6" 1866. States that Bt. Col. T.W. Osborne Major N.Y. Art. has not yet reported for his discharge papers under SO #332 C.D. A.G.O. Asks whether he has been relieved form duty in the Bureau. |

| Sept 10" 1866. #417. * | American Missionary Association. Gen Whipples Sec. (2 enclos) Referred to Mr. Alorid Sept 12 1866 Recd back Sept 13, 1866. file. | New York. Sept 8" 1866. Requests copies of blanks for reports encloses blanks leaves from their books of records to indicate the class of facts they desire. Hopes to receive the blanks by tuesday morning. |